Integrating Technology with Your Fire Safety Inspections: Device Bar Coding



Just 30 years ago, bar codes were being introduced as a pricing and inventory mechanism that only major retailers had access to. With today’s technology, a bar code can be a highly effective way to keep track of many things, including the individual pieces of fire safety equipment you have in your building.

Diversified Fire & Safety, Inc. uses handheld devices to locate, check and track bar-coded safety equipment. And once a piece of equipment is scanned, a time stamp is added to the inspection report – listing exactly when the equipment was last inspected. And that time stamp cannot be altered by anyone. So you will know precisely:

  • The make and model of each piece of safety equipment
  • Its exact location
  • The time and date it was most recently tested

And all of that information is stored in a database, which generates secure online reports for your use. We use that information to help track when equipment needs to be replaced, when it’s affected by any new regulations or manufacturer information, and the basics, like when it’s due for another inspection or a test. This service is available for:

  • Portable Fire Extinguishers
  • Exit and Emergency Lighting
  • Fire Sprinkler Systems
  • Fire Alarms
  • Kitchen Hood Suppression Systems
  • Specialty Fire Hazard Systems

Gone are the days of having a report that says you have a number of Portable Fire Extinguishers in your building and that they may have been inspected – with the Bar Code Inspection System you will know to the minute the last time any piece of equipment was inspected and/or tested and you will know exactly how many units you have and where they are located.

Put our solutions to the test – let us Bar Code your safety equipment and see how much more accurate the reports can be. Contact us today for more information: 678.583.9336 or email .